Evil Genius Layout Planner

What the Hell?

The Evil Genius Layout Planner is designed for people who want to layout their underground lair while being able to view the entire base at once. It also allows for people to save and load maps so that you can view other people's maps.

How to Use

Change the room type with the keyboard or by clicking on the legend, click and drag areas with the mouse to create rooms. You can change the map name, author and comments directly on the map, then click save when you're done. If you don't change the names the map won't save. Saving the map will take you back to the map list, if you want to link your map directly in a forum or whatever, you can copy the link location from the map list.

Entryways are now supported. Alternative corridor and rock tiles serve to denote entryways, All existing maps have been updated to support this feature, however the entryways themselves havent been added automatically.

Deleting maps: There is no edit map function, but you are allowed to delete the maps that you have created. If you save multiple versions of the same map as you work on it, do me a favour and delete the old versions.

Conditions of use

By using this utility, you agree to be bound by the following term and condition: 1. Don't be a Jackass.
I'd rather spend time developing this utility than protecting it from abuse and cleaning up after people. Very little has been done to prevent people from exploiting this utility. However, what has been done is unforgiving. The ban list is permanent and irreversible. There are no warnings.

Problems saving?

If you are unable to save your layout, it probably means somebody with a similar IP to yours was a jackass and your whole ISP was permanently banned. (see above)


Concept, art and code by slight. Special thanks to TheOnyx for assistance with Island 1.